What Our Customers Say


How do the best drain, septic, and cleaning products in the industry outperform the competition? We believe Instant Power® Professional products offer our customers the best drain openers and cleaning products money can buy. There’s no job too big or too small that we can’t handle. But don’t just take our word for it. Read the actual Instant Power Professional reviews below from our customers.

– Don P., LaPorte TX

“I hardly ever find a product that lives up to its advertising. But this product absolutely does ! I had a very slow bathtub drain and tried everything I could think of, including the “leading liquid” drainer. Nothing worked. In desperation I went to Home Depot to see what else I could
buy. A gentleman who works for that store told me to try your product. I kept saying I had already tried liquids, but he just assured me I hadn’t
tried THE liquid. To be honest, I don’t even know as I type this how much your product costs. I was just so frustrated I paid and immediately tried
it at home. Applied it before I went to bed, woke up the next morning, took shower, and the neighbors probably heard my shouts of joy. IT WORKED!

While I’m sure that’s no surprise to you all, I do have one criticism. Why are you not advertising this product more ? I had never heard of it. This should be in everyone’s home, like a smoke detector or fire extinguisher. Everyone needs to know about this. In these tight economic times, people
can’t always afford a plumber. I give you full permission to use my name in any testimonial to this product. I am going back to Home Depot and telling the manager to give that sales person a raise, and I am going to tell as many people where I work about this product. Considering I teach at a College where 40,000 staff, students and faculty work, I will be doing my part to get the word out. Now if I just had some commercials or print advertising to point to……………..hint hint.

Thanks for a wonderful product.”

– Lana F.

“To Whom It May Concern: I just wanted to compliment your company on a very fine product in the Hair and Grease Drain Opener. We moved into a home and had a very stubborn drain issue on a shower/tub. After a 15 minute shower, it would take about 30 minutes for it to drain. We tried snaking it and we tried four competitor’s products, but the issue didn’t improve. After the first application of the Hair and Grease Drain Opener, the drain cleared completely and has continued draining normally for the six months since. Thank you for manufacturing and making available a quality product.”

– Jamie H., Fulton NY

“I just want to say thank you so very much for your product. I had a main line clog in my house for about 4 days and nothing was working, I came across your product my accident when i was looking up ways to try and fix the problem my self before calling a plumber ,and decided what the heck what do I have to lose.

I purchased your product for only 10.00 at Walmart, poured it down the drain waited 8 hours and flushed it with boiling hot water, and to my SURPRISE I could run the water again. So I just want to say THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. I will be telling everyone about this product. and if I ever come across this problem again its your product I will try first.


– Leo H., Maryland

“I live in a 48 year old house with pipes that are not what they used to be. My bathroom pipes have been giving me trouble for ages but I’ve been able to keep the tub and toilet clear and working smoothly with occasional bleach pourings. The bathroom sink began to clog up about 6 months ago, even though I shave in the shower, and it kept getting worse.

I tried Drano and Liquid Plumbr with little success so I decided to get a friend with a snake to clear out the pipe. He went out of town for Spring Break so it was time try a gallon of Main Line Cleaner as a last resort. There is a money back guarantee so I figured I had nothing to lose. I followed the instructions religiously and holy cow–it worked beautifully. I did use boiling water from a kettle instead of just hot water to finish the job because other customers reported better results with boiling water. ”

P.S. Please give your chemists a fat raise. They earned it!”

– A. Norton, Menlo Park CA

“I’m a grump. I write companies a lot to let ’em know I think their products are pretty junky. I justify this by praising folks who put out stuff that is good, that does or tastes like it should. Your “Instant Power guaranteed Hair & Grease Drain Opener” did the trick & opened my clogged bathroom sink drain like greased lightning!”

– Germaine J., Missouri

“I would just like to say thank you for a great product in Main Line Cleaner. I was a hardware associate at Walmart in the hardware department and I had a drain problem at my home like everyone else I used the other products without getting any results I picked up a bottle at work and read it, so I thought I will try it and see if it work needless to say I was impressed and my wife was happy. After using it I would recommend it to all my customers who came in with drain problems. Again Thank You”

– Joe B., Rochester NY

I live in a house that was built in 1927. I have lived here for a year. Six months in, my main drain line plugged. So, I did the natural thing and called a service in to run a motorized drain auger to clean it out. It worked but cost around $400. But, the line was cleared and functioned properly.

Six months later, the same thing happened. I did a load of laundry and realized as the wash water emptied that the main line was blocked again.

I went online to see if there were any other options as I really didn’t want to spend another $400.
Lo and behold, I saw your main line cleaner mentioned on a couple different big box store websites. I noticed that the reviews were mainly very positive. For $11 and a full money back guarantee I figured I couldn’t lose.

I poured the entire gallon down the cleanout and let it sit in the drain overnight for 8 hours. I awoke to see no improvement. Taking a chance, I started running the hot water from the nearest faucet. After about five minutes, I heard a gurgling sound coming from the basement. Sure enough, the water in the basement was quickly going down the floor drain!! It worked!!!

I couldn’t be happier with the performance of this product and will highly recommend it to people that are in this situation.”

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Drain & Clog Openers

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Mainline & Sewer

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Cleaning Products

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Green Line

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